
SMCC to host Family & Friends Weekend in October

Southern Maine Community will hold a Family & Friends Weekend in October to bring together students, their families, friends and SMCC alumni.

The pilot event is aimed at providing parents an opportunity to see SMCC and experience student life first-hand, while also allowing alumni to visit, meet with old friends and see how the college has changed through the years. The event takes place from Friday, Oct. 1, though Sunday, Oct. 3.

“We are proud to host this inaugural Family & Friends Weekend to celebrate our students, their families and friends, and our alumni,” said SMCC President Joe Cassidy. “We are pleased to be able to open up our campuses like this as college life gradually returns to normal, and it is particularly fitting to hold this event during our year-long celebration of SMCC’s 75th anniversary.”

The Family & Friends Weekend will kick off with a Casco Bay cruise featuring food and music. Other highlights include an alumni soccer game and a lobster bake.

People who are interested in attending can register through an online form that has been set up.

For more information about SMCC’s 75th anniversary, please visit the SMCC anniversary celebration webpage,