
Campus Connections, Top Stories, May 4

Campus Center to undergo extensive renovations

SMCC is updating and improving the Campus Center to create a more welcoming space that will benefit students and Campus-Center-optimized_smemployees.

Work will begin Friday, May 8, and be centered on the Campus Center wing that extends from Central Services past the Admissions and Advising offices. When the upgrades are complete, the corridor and offices will have new walls with large glass windows, new furniture and new working space that is bright and hospitable.

Over the coming months, workers will also replace floor tiles in the central lobby and lounge, install a sprinkler system throughout the building, and replace some lighting.

“When it’s complete, it’ll make it look like we have a new Campus Center almost,” said Scott Beatty, Dean of Administration.

During renovations, the Admissions/Advising corridor will be closed and those offices will move to these temporary offices in Ross Technology Center:

  • Advising Office: Room 103
  • Admissions Office: Room 105
  • Registration Office: Room 204
  • Testing Center: Room 202

The drop-in computer lab located in room 103 in Ross Technology Center will be closed during the renovations, but students will still have access to a computer lab in the Learning Commons. The office phones will not be disrupted and will work as usual.

The offices are scheduled to reopen in the Campus Center the week of Aug. 17.

There will be minor disruptions in other parts of the Campus Center as workers install the new flooring and sprinkler system and perform other work.

The Campus Center was built in 1987 and has undergone a series of upgrades the past couple of years. A new bookstore opened in late 2013, and the Seawolves Café opened about a year ago.

Enactus uses flower power to help community

Enactus-optimized_smSMCC’s Enactus club is using its green thumb to be active in the community.

In April, Enactus members and children at South Portland’s Boys & Girls Club planted vegetables in a greenhouse that the club built and donated to the club last fall. Enactus also donated gardening tools, flower packets, small pots and soil so the children can plant and sell potted flowers to raise money for new sports equipment.

For an entrepreneurial project to help those in need, Enactus members last fall built two greenhouses, one for the Captain’s Cupboard food pantry and one for the Boys & Girls Club of South Portland. The Boys & Girls Club greenhouse is clearly visible outside of the club just a few blocks from campus on Broadway.

“I hope that you look over at the greenhouse as you drive down Broadway and it reminds of you of our students who have taken the initiative to give back to their community in a healthy and productive way,” says instructor Aimee Vlachos, who serves as the club’s faculty advisor.

Enactus is a non-profit organization that brings together student, academic and business leaders committed to using entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life for people in need.

Students recognized for leadership

More than 50 SMCC students have been recognized for their leadership and community service at this year’s annual CeSIL awards ceremony.

Award winners were announced April 29 at the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership’s Leader of the Pack awards ceremony at Oceanview Dining Hall.

The winners were:

  • Leader of the Pack awards: Pearl Armstrong; Alexander Balzano; Mark Booker; Carrie Bournival; Benjamin Bussiere; Nicole-Raye Ellis; Dierdree Glassford; Paula Gentile; Jason Glynn; Tyler Hinkley; Garrick Hoffman; Eliza May Hopkins; Joleen Kittredge; Monica Klein; Taylor Lawrence; Delani Littlefield; Isaiah Lemay; Rebekah Marin; Franklin Markle; Atencio Martin; Dustin Michaud; Maisarah Miskoon; Nicholas Mitchell; Dan Modifica; Emily Mokler; Dani Olsen; Faiz Sabean; Melinda Searle; Julia Selser; Erik Squire; and Kelsey Teegan.
  • Emerging Leaders awards: Isaac Allen; Joshua Cohen; Tabatha Copeland; Rebecca Cosgrove; Lorelei Hipkins; Hugues Ingabire; Aaron Padula; Andrew Swett; and Faye Warner.
  • Emerging Leaders Program awards: Alexander Balzano; Carrie Bournival; Phil Cormier; Rileigh Forslund; Dierdree Glassford; Rebekah Marin; Franklin Markle; Westleigh Munroe; Monica Klein; Kamen Scott; Erik Squire; and Dylan York.
  • Outstanding RA award: Dan Herley Mathieu.
  • Organization of the Year: The Captain’s Cupboard
  • Program of the Year: Nursing Peer Mentoring Program
  • Advisor of the Year: Communications & New Media Professor Rachel Guthrie, for The Beacon